RSG Landbou Interview with Anina Hunter

Please listen to Anina Hunter’s interview with Lise Roberts presenter for RSG Landbou as Anina talks on Braaikuien voer (RSG Landbou and PlaasMedia).

AFGRI Pig feeds at SAPPO

AFGRI Pig Feeds made a welcome impression with their stand at the SAPPO Symposium, hosted by the South African Pork Producers Organisation on the 5th and 6th of September. All the major role players in the pork industry were gathered at this prestigious event that marked the confidence of an industry on the rise. The […]

Perspektief op Hipokalsemie en Melkkoors

– Bekamp Melkkoors vir Winsgewende Melkboerdery – Inleiding Die voeding en bestuur van suiwelkoeie tydens die oorgangsfase (21 dae voor tot 21 dae na kalf) het in die afgelope jare baie aandag geniet. Dit is met reg so omdat probleme tydens hierdie fase die wins van ‘n koei vir die spesifieke laktasie totaal kan erodeer. […]

AFGRI Fractionated Feeding Program

The AFGRI Fractionated Feeding program for precision in-parlour feeding of individual cows is the most efficient precision feeding program currently available. The program is a significant update on the Ideal Weight feeding model within Afifarm. This program is now available to AFGRI customers with Afifarm or Alpro at no extra cost, but with all the […]

Heartwater can be reduced with an animal feed supplement

Heartwater remains a major cause of loss in cattle, sheep, goats and game animals. Heartwater is a tick borne disease, caused by the organism, E. ruminantium, characterised by a high fever, nervous system symptoms and the accumulation of liquid around the heart in the chest cavity, lungs and brain, which usually leads to the death […]

Aanvullende Voeding in die Produksiefase Deel 1

Fosfaat- en Spoorminerale-aanvulling in die Produksiefase Deur Dr. Heinri Spangenberg – Direkteur: Tegniese Verkope Afgri Veevoere Die aanvulling van diere en spesifiek herkouers se voedingsbehoeftes op ‘n gegewe tyd van die jaar of tydens ‘n spesifieke produksiefase is ‘n uiters belangrike strategie in dierevoeding. Indien hierdie strategie optimaal en kundig toegepas word is die dividende […]

Aanvullende Voeding in die Produksiefase Deel II

Aanvullende Voeding in die Produksiefase Deur Dr. Heinri Spangenberg – Direkteur: Tegniese Verkope AFGRI Veevoere In teenstelling met onderhoudslekke wat slegs op winterveld of met swak kwaliteit ruvoer gebruik word en ten doel het om die dier te onderhou, word produksielekke vir verskillende produksiedoelwitte op ʼn verskeidenheid van veld- of ruvoertipes aangewend. ‘n Winsgewende alternatief […]